Sunday, October 20, 2024

Movie review: San Andreas


San Andreas is a 2015 American disaster/thriller movie starring Dwayne Johnson, Carla Gugino, Ioan Gruffudd, Alexandra Daddario, Archie Panjabi, and Paul Giamatti. A massive earthquake caused by the San Andreas fault devastates the West Coast of the US. The movie tracks the efforts of Ray Gaines, a recue helicopter pilot, as he tries to save his wife and daughter from the terrible destruction unfolding before his eyes.

I love disaster movies. However, with only SFX and no heart or bad acting, these can end up being just a parade of clever, hi-tech, dramatic, and expensive stunts that soon get boring. One example of this is Twisters 2 which had fantastic scenarios of storms and the aftermath but a wooden leading actress and thus no heart or warmth. San Andreas has 100% and more of drama, tension, suspense, gasps, and nail-biting moments as the characters struggle to survive. There are tons of incredible special effects and action sequences. The opening stunning helicopter rescue scene alone sets the tone and establishes the main character. Filming was no walk in the park for the actors with collapsing skyscrapers, a spectacular tsunami, submerged high rises, sinking buildings, flying debris, capsized boats, and more.

Dwayne Johnson isn’t going to play Shakespeare any time soon, but he does the manly action stuff very well and infuses the right amount of energy and credibility into his roles. I have seen most of his movies and I like him. Carla Gugino plays his estranged wife Emma and is a very competent, complementary foil. The utterly gorgeous Alexandra Daddario plays their daughter Blake with loads of energy and enthusiasm and if I am ever in an earthquake scenario, I want her on my team. Ioan Gruffudd plays Emma’s self-serving boyfriend who leaves Blake trapped in a car in the underground parking while he saves his own slimy skin. He is not a bad actor but seems best suited for the ‘creepy guy’ roles. Paul Giamatti as Dr. Lawrence Hayes, a Caltech seismologist, is a solid, dependable actor. I have seen him in a variety of roles, from historical to modern day. My favourite is The Illusionist, set in turn-of-the-century Vienna, where he plays the Inspector. He is a fine actor and the best of the bunch. There is also plenty of room for nice cameo roles. Two stand out for energy and loads of charm. Hugo Johnstone (Ben Taylor) and his ‘annoying little brother’ Ollie (Art Parkinson) meet Blake and save her from being crushed to death in the parking garage. Ollie is just adorable as Hugo’s cheeky wingman at the age when a smitten youngster can tell a young woman she is ‘just beautiful’ and not get his face slapped.

San Andreas is a good go-to movie for disaster fans like me. I have watched it five times now and always spot something new. The soundtrack includes the fantastic California Dreamin’ (The Mommas and the Poppas) and the movie version is quite haunting. So, if you’re looking for a nailbiter of a movie for a Saturday night, with loads of popcorn (you’ll need it), this is your movie of choice.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Book Spotlight: The Mirror by PK Eden


What if you found out the artifacts from the fairy tales you loved as a child were real and one of them just predicted your death?

What if you found out the artifacts from the fairy tales you loved as a child were real and one of them just predicted your death? That’s the dilemma Scientist Ben Michaels faces when Siene Dower, descendant of the Brothers Grimm, tells him that Snow White’s Magic Mirror sent her to stop him from getting into the cab that crashed and burst into flame right before his eyes at the intersection at Penn Station, New York City. Does practical Dr. Michaels dismiss everything he knows about reality and science and follow the curious and beautiful woman who just saved his life?

The Mirror is available at Amazon.


Book Excerpt

“Sit.” Siene motioned to the black sofa next to the door. She walked to the back bookshelf and pulled forward an old book with her forefinger. She skimmed the pages as she walked back to him. About halfway through the book she retrieved a fragile-looking, folded paper with timeworn brown edges.  

She sat next to him. “Show me your palm.” 

Ben held out his hand. “Why? Are you going to read it?”

“Do I look like a fortune teller?”

“You did predict the cab accident,” Ben replied. 

She rolled her eyes and gently unfolded the paper. Carefully, she dropped three brown, shriveled ovals into his palm.

Ben’s brow furrowed. “What are these?”


“I can see that.” He looked up. “Is this when I ask you why they were hidden in the book?”

“No, you’re supposed to guess.”

Ben lifted an eyebrow. “Do you really want to play games, Siene?”

She crossed her arms in front of her. “Actually, yes. You’re the hot-shot genius. I’m curious to see if that big brain of yours can think outside the . . .” She felt a wicked smile form on her lips “. . . outside the spit glands.”

He shot her an annoyed look and used his forefinger to move the beans around on his palm. They were shrunken but all the same size and shape. Kidney beans, he guessed. Very old kidney beans. He glanced at Siene. “Beans hidden in a book. Did you get them from a prom date instead of flowers and this is your way of telling me that you’re still thinking of the prom king?”  

She saw amusement replace the annoyance on his face. Okay, maybe inside all the gray matter the man had a sense of humor. She’d try sparring with him later. Right now, she had to make a seemingly very obtuse point. “Did your mother ever read you fairy tales when you were a child?”  

“Yes,” Ben replied, still holding the beans in his outstretched hand.

“Which ones?”

“The usual. Hansel and Gretel, Little Red Riding Hood, the Shoemaker and the Elves.”

“What about Jack and the Beanstalk?” 

Ben glanced down at the beans in his hand and then back at Siene. “Of course, and I suppose you’re going to tell me these are magic beans.”

Skepticism lit his eyes and Siene knew he wasn’t quite there yet. “I know I’m asking a lot, but for a minute, just send all the Einstein stuff to the back of your gray matter and go with it.” His expression told her he thought she was nuts and she suspected ninety-nine percent of the world’s population would probably agree with him. “I guess laymen might say they are magic.”

“Laymen.” Ben paused before shooting her a probing stare. “People off their meds like you, you mean.”

She held up her finger. “You agreed to go with it.”

“No, I did not.”

“Let’s pretend you did. These beans are the last ones left.  It drives my brother, Reed, crazy that I keep them in a book.  He thinks it’s the first place a Taltoian would look.” She held the book up so he could see the title.


“I’ll get there in a minute.” She lifted her chin. “Look at the book.”

White paper showed through the frayed corners of the cover and the embossed lettering worn low by the passing years made the words hard to read. He leaned closer and squinted. Tales by the Brothers Grimm. His head snapped up. “Is this an original edition?” He turned the book over and then back. “It looks very old.”

Siene nodded. “They are my great-great--maybe another great, maybe not, it really doesn’t matter at this point--Uncles Jacob and Wilhelm. The book has been passed down through the generations.”   

Ben’s wide-eyed gaze flared. “You are crazy. You expect me to believe these are the magic beans they wrote about? That if you plant them, a stalk will grow as high as the clouds and if we climb it, we will meet a giant who has a goose that lays golden eggs?”

“Yes, and other things. A golden harp…”

Ben stood. “This has been an adventure to say the least, and I will admit you might have a very valuable book that could command millions, but you being related to the Brothers Grimm, “ he looked down at his hand, “And these are magic beans, I don’t think so.”

“Why not?”

He handed her back the book and held up fingers in a vee. “Two reasons. One, I suspect if there actually was a goose that laid golden eggs, some billionaire would own it and two, a giant, by sheer atomic weight and mass, cannot stand or live on a cloud.”

Siene shrugged. “Whether you believe me or not, it’s still true.”  

“Which part?”

“All of it.” She slipped her hand under his. “I better take those back now.” She carefully placed the beans inside the paper and back into the book.  

Ben remained still for several minutes as though processing the information he just heard. “It appears your uncles, if they truly are,  are not the only ones who can tell tall tales.”

She put the book back on the shelf. “They wrote the stories to protect the artifacts.”

“Artifacts. Like those in a museum?”

She looked at him and smiled. “No, the ones in my uncles’ stories.”

“Which stories?”
“All of them.”

– Excerpted from The Mirror by P.K. Eden, The Wild Rose Press, 2024. Reprinted with permission.

About the Authors

P.K. Eden is the alter ego of multi-published and award winning authors Patt Milhailff and Kathye Quick whose debut novel FIREBRAND was lauded as comparable to the Harry Potter series, garnered 5-Star reviews, and won numerous  Reviewer’s Choice Awards.

Born long, long ago in a place not so far away, Shenandoah, Pennsylvania, Kathryn Quick has been writing since the Sisters in St. Casmir’s Grammar School gave her the ruled yellow paper and a number two pencil.  She writes contemporary and career romances, romantic comedies, historical romances as well as urban fantasy. 

Kathye has twenty fiction books in print with various publishing houses and one non-fiction compilation of her town’s history at the behest of the Manville Library Bord.  She was honored to have been named an Amazon top 100 Romance Author for Ineligible Bachelor published by Montlake Romance. Other works include a three book  Grandmother’s Rings Series – Amethyst, Sapphire and Citrine, a rom-com series that follows three siblings as they use their Grandmother’s Rings given to them by their mother to find their soulmates. 

Because she has been fascinated by King Arthur and his knights for almost forever, her series Beyond Camelot, Brother Knights, is her vision of how the majestic kingdom may have survived after Arthur. Two books are written in this series with the third and final still in concept.

She is a founding member of Liberty State Fiction Writers and has been a part of Romance Writers of America and New Jersey Romance Writers.

She is married to her real-life hero, Donald, and has three grown sons, each having romantic adventures of their own. Her two grandkids, Savannah and Dax, happily cut into her writing time but she still manages to get a few pages done each day.

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Thanks to novelist and editor, Dr. Nathasha Brooks-Harris who invited Patt Milhailff to write for several TRUE CONFESSION lines of magazines where she learned tight and entertaining writing and resulted in the publication of more than two hundred short stories and articles.

One of Patt’s most gratifying experiences was when she moderated a standing room only workshop at the African American Romance Slam Jam in 2004 and has since enjoyed speaking engagements at libraries, book clubs and other forums. 

She was awarded 2009 Author of the year and 2010 Mentor of the year by Romance writers of America, New York City Chapter, a terrific organization that helped her to obtain valuable lessons and insight while on her writing journey. 

Patt is also featured in A Dream Deferred, A Joy Achieved, a non-fiction novella by Charise Nesbit a co-producer at Tyler Perry Studios, about foster care, as well as being included in two of Times Bestselling Author Zane’s anthologies. 

Patt is one half of the writing duo P.K. Eden along with Kathye Quick, authors of Firebrand,  that received a five star Affaire de Couer Reviewer’s Choice Award. 

She is also a member of Liberty States Fiction Writers the home of a magnitude of talented writers and fellow authors and is the author of nine novels.  

Patt was raised, and educated in New York City, residing in  New Jersey, and has since relocated to Delaware.

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Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Celebrating Unemployment: How to Avoid Becoming a Crunchy Couch Burrito by Dr. Deborah Levin

Unemployment does not have to suck.

Celebrating Unemployment: How to Avoid Becoming a Crunchy Couch Burrito is a book helping people stay positive after losing their job. It shares steps to move forward and find their dream job. It acknowledges being unemployed is depressing and shows ways to feel better and keep going.

What’s included in this book:

       Survival budgeting tactics

       Short-term income strategies

       Resume and cover letter techniques

       Job search opportunities

       Interview approaches

       Changing careers

       Finding work that makes you happy

Since the author also experienced unemployment, she understands reading about job-related topics can cause worry and anxiety. She writes with empathy, giving useful advice on dealing with unemployment and offering practical ways to overcome personal challenges. By dealing with these issues directly, you gain the knowledge and build the positive attitude needed to change problems into opportunities for a better future.

This book also shares insights about taking care of yourself and staying strong mentally. Overall, it's a guide to help people turn job loss into a chance for something better.

Celebrating Unemployment: How to Avoid Becoming a Crunchy Couch Burrito is available at Amazon.

 Book Excerpt:

Welcome to the Wonderful World of Unemployment

Three days after my birthday, my boss asked me if I could join him in a quick meeting. I asked him if I needed to prepare anything. He said, “No.” I felt dread, and my head was swimming with potential issues he might discuss. Sure enough, I hopped on the call, and my boss expressed despair. A woman from Human Resources joined us on the call. It was happening. Through no fault of my own, I was losing my job.

After ten years of dedication to the company, I fell victim to “Job Redundancy .”My position was no longer needed. Ironically, much of my work as a project manager helped automate many of the tasks I managed. In the spirit of continuous improvement, I had continuously improved myself out of a job. Sometimes, being really good at what you do can hurt you.

So here I am, in my early 50s, entering the job market again. I was numb. However, I was not overly upset about the job loss (why was I not more upset?). The company was wonderful because they gave me a nice severance package, paid out my vacation time, and reassured me this had nothing to do with my performance. I know many people are not as fortunate as me, and job loss means an immediate loss of income. So thank you, Company, for helping me land gently.

So here I am, roughly six months into being unemployed (has it been that long?) and learning new daily lessons. I realize I am very lucky to have survived on severance, but I see that pool of money getting smaller every month. Because I have a slight monetary buffer, I chose to take this time to reinvent myself to avoid feeling numb about my next career.

Through my personal journey and networking connections, I learned many lessons during my longest vacation from Corporate America in thirty years. I chose to dedicate some of my time to writing a book about these realizations. My primary objective is to provide encouragement and a path forward for you as quickly as possible. The faster you are inspired, the sooner you can create a plan to reset your career journey into something wonderful.

Congratulations, by the way, on being temporarily promoted to being your Boss.  

About the Author 

 Dr. Deborah Levin is a woman of many talents. She holds degrees in Design, Business Administration, and Leadership. She has multiple technical certifications, ranging from project management to artificial intelligence natural language processing. She has a strong background in project management and continuous improvement. She used her unique combination of creative and analytical skills throughout her decades of experience in corporate manufacturing and transactional environments, in addition to facilitating courses for adult learners and community service leadership. Dr. Levin is passionate about lifelong learning and is a strong supporter of formal education. She believes sharing her learning and experiences with others helps them gain perspective to become better versions of themselves.  She expresses this passion through a down-to-earth, personable writing style often seen in her written work.

Her book, Celebrating Unemployment: How to Avoid Becoming a Crunchy Couch Burrito is available at Amazon.

Visit her website at


Thursday, October 3, 2024

An Invitation to Adventure by author D.F. Jones


Soul Love is a spellbinding tale of time travel, past lives, and an unbreakable romance that transcends the ages, proving that true love is never lost.

From USA Today bestselling author D.F. Jones comes Soul Love, a mesmerizing tale of past lives, time travel, and an unbreakable bond that transcends time itself. What if a simple dinner invitation could change your life forever?

When Summer Jewel accepts a dinner invitation from her enigmatic new neighbor, her world is turned upside down. Suddenly transported to 1926 Heartsville, she uncovers shocking truths about a past life she never knew existed. This revelation ignites a journey brimming with turbulent emotions and undeniable desires, leaving her questioning everything she thought she knew.

Meanwhile, Rogan Randolph, a dedicated agent of The Order of the Invisible Effect, is tasked with subtly guiding the course of human history. His orderly world is thrown into chaos when a portal to his own past unexpectedly opens, offering him a chance to right a wrong. His mission becomes inextricably linked with Summer’s, as she is the very woman he encounters in the future.

Together, Summer and Rogan must navigate the intricate complexities of love and destiny, confronting the mysteries of their intertwined past lives. Their actions ripple through time, challenging the very fabric of reality and altering the course of their journey. True love is never lost, and some connections last forever.

Escape into Soul Love, where destiny and passion weave a captivating narrative that explores the enduring power of love and the intriguing possibilities of fate. Prepare to be swept off your feet with this spellbinding story of love, loss, and the magic of second chances. Soul Love is available at Amazon.


The Enchantment of Historical Fantasy & Time Travel Fiction: An Invitation to Adventure

Greetings, seekers of adventure and wonder! Have you ever yearned to step beyond the confines of your everyday life and journey to a world where history and fantasy entwine? If so, I invite you into the enchanting realms of historical fantasy time travel, a genre where the past comes alive with magic and mystery.


Imagine the thrill of standing on the battlements of a medieval castle, the air thick with the promise of adventure, as you draw your sword to defend the realm. Or perhaps you find yourself in ancient Egypt, deciphering hieroglyphs that reveal secrets long buried in the sands of time. In these moments, history is not just a series of dates and events; it’s a living, breathing narrative filled with heroes, villains, and fantastical elements that defy the ordinary. I strive to create worlds where time is not a linear path but a vast, intricate web of possibilities. Where the present constraints do not bind love and destiny, characters may leap across centuries, their journeys intertwined with historical events and mythical landscapes. They encounter challenges that test their courage, wisdom, and hearts.


The beauty of historical fantasy time travel lies in its limitless potential. You can walk the bustling streets of Renaissance Florence, study alchemy with a medieval sorcerer, or even join a secret society of time travelers determined to protect history from those who would alter its course. Each story is a doorway to another era, a chance to explore the rich tapestry of our collective past, imbued with the wonder of the fantastical. So, dear reader, I encourage you to pick up a book that promises to whisk you away to another time and place. Embrace the magic, the history, and the adventure that awaits. In the realms of historical fantasy time travel, the only limits are the bounds of your imagination.


Happy reading trails!


About the Author

USA Today Best-Selling Author, #1 International Bestseller, #1 Amazon Bestseller, D. F. Jones began her career as a broadcast consultant at the ABC Affiliate in Nashville, which led her to open an advertising agency. She downsized her agency to care for her parents. Writing is a source of creative expression for D.F. Jones, but it also releases stress. Writing takes her to a place where anything is possible, and fiction takes her to a place made of dreams. Whether it’s angels and demons, time travel adventures, witches, wizards, or ghosts, her books are action-packed with supernatural and romantic elements. She’s happily married to the love of her life and best friend. They have two beautiful sons whom she loves and adores more than life itself. She loves to laugh, and her husband keeps her in stitches! She’s a fan of the Tennessee Titans and enjoys working in her flower gardens.






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Monday, September 16, 2024

5 Key Ingredients to Creating a Cozy Mystery by Elizabeth Maria Naranjo


Life is sweet for high school senior and ice cream slinger Genevieve Winterland. Her father owns Sweet Dreams Ice Cream Parlour, the cutest confectionery shop in their little town of Pinewood, Arizona. Genevieve loves her job, but when her father hires a broody newcomer with a dark past to provide extra security on her closing shifts, Genevieve bristles. Is this part of her father’s plan to send her away to college, when all she wants is to stay in Pinewood and run the family business? Meanwhile, everyone’s favorite new teacher at Pinewood High, Miss Love, is receiving death threats, and then she goes missing. Genevieve suspects the crabby substitute, Ms. Pierce, who seems murderous about being passed over for the position. Or is the culprit Mr. Garcia, the longtime instructor who Miss Love replaced after he was fired for assaulting a student? Just when Genevieve thinks she knows the answer, she stumbles across the dead body of another missing faculty member. Can Genevieve find the killer terrorizing the teachers in her beloved hometown—before someone else gets iced?


Murder by Milkshake is available in print and as an ebook at Amazon. You can add it to your GoodReads reading list as well.


5 Key Ingredients to Creating a Cozy Mystery

 So you want to write a cozy mystery? Good for you! Since jumping into the genre with my dessert-themed YA cozy series, Sweet Dreams Mysteries, I have written with total joy (and often hunger!). The recipe for whipping up a good cozy relies on some key ingredients; if you get these wrong, you’ll risk the wrath of the fiercely devoted readership and trust me—you don’t want to mess with cozy mystery readers.

 Theme: A cozy mystery series has to have a theme. The theme is usually centered on the main character’s occupation or hobby, and you must show your MC engaged in this work or hobby. For example, there are cafe cozies, bookstore cozies, and knitting cozies. I chose ice cream for my theme, because my daughter had recently started working at Baskin-Robbins. I named my fictional ice cream shop Sweet Dreams Ice Cream Parlour.

Amateur Sleuth and Pet: A cozy mystery is not a police procedural; the sleuth is always an amateur. Mysteries are puzzles that are solved by piecing together clues through interviews with several suspects. Additionally, every amateur sleuth has a pet, and pet care must be shown. Bookstore cats are common, but I happen to be a dog person, so the Sweet Dreams pet is a golden retriever. She’s amazing; you’ll love her.

PG rating: In a cozy mystery, there cannot be gratuitous violence, profanity, or sex. Deaths tend to be discovered, often by the main character in sometimes amusing circumstances, and murder scenes are not described in detail. During confrontations or showdowns with the killer(s), the MC is rarely in any real danger for long. Most importantly, there must always be a happy ending.

Motive: The murders in cozies are based on motives like greed and jealousy, and typically the killer commits these murders in a fit of passion. These aren’t serial killers or sociopaths who enjoy the act of killing, but everyday people with relatable motives who are often part of the community. Likewise, when apprehended they tend to explain their crimes in petulant monologues: think Scooby-Doo.

Puns: In cozy mysteries, puns are definitely intended. Titles are clever and cute. Some recent examples are Mocha, She Wrote, Partners in Lime, Thread on Arrival, and Game of Cones. I tossed around several ideas before settling on Murder by Milkshake.

Happy writing!

About the Author


Elizabeth Maria Naranjo is the author of The Fourth Wall, The House on Linden Way, and What Was Never There. Her stories and essays have been widely published and nominated for the Pushcart Prize, Best American Essays, and Best of the Net, and her short story, “Windows,” was selected for Best Microfiction 2023. She lives in Tempe, Arizona, with her husband and two children.


Elizabeth and Murder by Milkshake can be found online:

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Randy C. Dockens' Stele Prophecy Pentalogy

Stele Prophecy Pentalogy Series Description

A series of five stories run the gamut of emotional themes: struggling with anger, the desire to belong, one seeking destiny, complicated love, and being blinded by pride. Each cleverly crafted story demonstrates unbelievable technology where the earthly and divine merge into an amazing and unforgettable future.

Kalem lives through the death of his brother by the hand of the King which occurred when he was very young. Now that he is older and can act, he is emotionally torn between his anger over his brother’s death and the love he is finding in someone who supports the King. Two prophecies stand before him. The one he wholeheartedly believes in places his life in danger just as it had for his brother. The other is safer but requires him to live a lie. How can he choose which direction to take? Yet he must choose before his fate is sealed.

Edvin experiences heartbreak during troubled times as his sister-in-law loses her unborn baby and his girlfriend dies from plane crash injuries. Yet he is not the only one. Thousands around the globe experience the same events happening in their lives and to their loved ones. How can he make sense of the apocalyptic world in which he now lives? Yet an unexpected destiny awaits him.

Ya’akov gets approved for a once-in-a-lifetime adventure, but he gets caught in a nightmare of manipulation and deceit, which ultimately leaves him abandoned at sea not remembering who he is or how he got there. Despite such a start, he finds a destiny greater than anything he had ever dreamed possible.

Princess Me’ira breaks protocol and falls in love with someone not vetted by prescribed law. Her decision will yield unpreventable heartache to either herself or to those closest to her. While unknown to her, the decision she makes sets a future in motion she could never have anticipated.

Janet discovers how to increase teleporter efficiency to an all-time high, but her work is rejected by the King. Her selfish pride sets in motion a plan of revenge that has devastating consequences far greater than she ever imagined.

Each story is stand-alone, yet they all intertwine into a unique whole that paints a picture of a future time in which we may all find ourselves one day.

The Stele Prophecy Pentalogy Series is available at Amazon.


Dr. Randy C. Dockens has a fascination with science and with the Bible, holds Ph.D. degrees in both areas, and is a man not only of faith and science, but also of creativity. He believes that faith and science go hand in hand without being enemies of each other. After completing his bachelor’s degree in pharmacy from Auburn University he went on to graduate school at Auburn and completed his first doctorate degree in Pharmaceutics. He began his scientific career as a pharmacokinetic reviewer for the Food and Drug Administration and later joined a leading pharmaceutical company as a pharmacokineticist, which is a scientist who analyzes how the human body affects drugs after they have been administered (i.e, absorbed, distributed, metabolized, and excreted).

 Through the years, he has worked on potential medicines within several disease areas, including cardiovascular, fibrosis, and immunoscience to seek and develop new and novel medicines in these therapy areas. He has also had his attention on the academic study of the Bible. He earned a second doctorate in Biblical Prophecy from Louisiana Baptist University after receiving a master’s degree in Jewish Studies from the Internet Bible Institute under the tutelage of Dr. Robert Congdon.

 Randy has recently retired from his pharmaceutical career and is spending even more time on his writing efforts. He has written several books that span dystopian (The Coded Message Trilogy), end-time prophecy (Stele Prophecy Pentalogy), science fiction (Erabon Prophecy Trilogy), and uniquely told Bible stories (The Adversary Chronicles). All his books, while fun to read, are futuristic, filled with science to give them an authentic feel, have a science fiction feel to them, and allows one to learn some aspect of Biblical truth one may not have thought about before. This is all done in a fast-paced action format that is both entertaining and provides a fun read for his readers.

 He has also written some nonfiction books as well. One is to show how all humans are connected from God’s viewpoint by looking at biblical prophecy (Why is a Gentile World Tied to a Jewish Timeline?: The Question Everyone Should Ask). This book shows how all scripture is connected and inclusive of everyone. In addition, he and his editor have written two books about writing. The first is on writing techniques themselves and is entitled Mastering the ABCs of Excellent Writing: Creating Vivid and Colorful Stories that Readers Want to Read. This book not only addresses the techniques of writing, but what makes writing unique to each author. It conveys not only how to better hone one’s craft of writing but also the brand an author wants to portray. This helps an author make their writing unique as well as captivating for his/her audience. The second is a companion book to this one entitled Mastering the ABCs of Excellent Self-Editing: Framing Your Colorful Masterpiece to Keep Readers Engaged in Your Story. This is best used in conjunction with the first one. Yet, self-editing, though intricately connected to writing, is a distinct event. The better the quality of a writer’s draft manuscript when it is delivered to one’s editor, the higher the final quality of the manuscript will be for readers, and that is extremely important.

 Dr Dockens is still not done. He has other creative ideas he is bringing forward as he is currently working on two new futuristic series. So, stay turned!




