Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Eight Things You Did Not Know About Author Anoop Judge

Not just an author of four books and counting, Anoop Judge is also a writing instructor and former TV host. Find out more by visiting Anoop's website


Eight Things You Don’t Know About Me

I Grew Up Among Books and Bollywood: My childhood in New Delhi was a vibrant blend of literature and Bollywood. My love for storytelling was nurtured by the rich narratives of both the written word and the cinematic world. Whether it was reading classic novels or watching the latest Bollywood hits, these early experiences deeply influenced my passion for writing and creativity.

A Litigator by Day, Writer by Night: Before I fully embraced my writing career, I spent seven years as a litigator in the United States. Balancing the demanding legal profession with my passion for writing was no easy feat. Late nights were often spent drafting stories and working on manuscripts, a practice that kept my creative spirit alive amidst the rigorous demands of my legal career.

The Fear Factor: I am deathly afraid of cockroaches and there’s a story behind it. Read it here:          

The Travel Bug: Travel is a significant part of my life. I’ve visited over 20 countries, from Santorini to Vietnam. But after I attended a writer’s residency in Noyers Sur Serein in Burgundy, France at Le Porte Piente in a crumbling medieval castle, I’ve modified my bucket list of must-see tourist spots to going off the beaten path, and staying in small villages where the locals are uber-friendly, and the produce is always fresh and fragrant. These adventures not only fuel my creativity but also deepen the authenticity of the characters and settings in my stories.

Rom-Coms are my Jam: I love to watch rom-coms although I don’t read romantic novels. I like to read what I write which is book club fiction also called upmarket literary fiction, but my guilty pleasure is watching shows like Bridgerton and movies like The Idea of You.

Languages are the Death of Me: I’m bad at languages. I am fluent in English (acquired through my convent school education) Hindi and Punjabi (my native tongues) but other than that, I struggle with languages whether it be the French I took as an elective subject in college or the Spanish I continue to fail in, despite going to Mexico many times a year.

I Have a Real Passion for Zoos: I love visiting zoos. Zoos are fascinating places that offer the opportunity to observe and learn about a wide variety of animals from around the world. I truly believe that appreciating the beauty and diversity of the animal kingdom is a natural and enriching interest, and there is no age limit to enjoying such experiences. I took my children to the zoo on weekends and holidays and instilled in them both a similar love for zoos.

Favorite Cuisine: While I enjoy a wide range of cuisines, and I hail from Punjab, which is the Northern part of India, yet, South Indian food holds a special place in my heart. From crispy dosas and fluffy idlis to spicy curries and flavorful chutneys, South Indian food reminds me of my childhood and family gatherings with my mom and dad.

I hope these insights give you a deeper understanding of who I am beyond my professional achievements and creative endeavors. Life is a tapestry of experiences, and these facets of my life have shaped me into the person I am today.

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