
Tuesday, August 8, 2023

The Inspiration Behind A Divisive Storm by David E. Feldman


Someone is murdering a group of friends at the John Farmer Club, whose membership harbors a barely hidden racist agenda and a white supremacist past. It's up to Dora and Missy to find and stop the killer before becoming victims themselves…

Title: A Divisive Storm: Dora Ellison Mystery Book 6
Author: David E. Feldman
Publisher: Eface Media
Pages: 233
Genre: Thriller Noir

Ray Drucker is shot in the face while sitting in his car in the parking lot of a drug store. His wife, Katie, hires Dora Ellison and Missy Winters of Geller Investigations to find his killer. Soon, another murder occurs, and these are linked to a third murder, five years earlier. Dora and Missy learn that these men were all members of a club with a barely hidden racist agenda and a white supremacist past. As the bodies pile up, Dora and Missy are faced with their most daunting, dangerous case yet!

Fans and lovers of Noir, Hard-Boiled and LGBT Detective Mysteries will love the Dora Ellison Mystery Series.


The Inspiration Behind A Divisive Storm by David E. Feldman

The idea for the Dora Ellison Mystery Series came to me after reading many mystery thrillers written by others. I very much appreciate it when cruel people, whether they are the murderers in a book or not, get what's coming to them. The Jack Reacher series by Lee Child are great examples. Reacher encounters characters who are cruel, and they nearly always get what's coming to them. Wouldn't it be nice if life were like that?   

Several of my Dora books include story elements that are drawn from current news headlines, and book 6, A Divisive Storm, which is to be the finale of the series, is one of these. When I read about some of the ideas people have - about other people, social or religious groups, or about those who might be different in any number of ways from themselves - I am often compelled to write about these issues.   

Like most Americans, I believe in the equality of our citizens, and so when I read about bigotry and the sort of hatred we so often see in our headlines, and when I see that such hatred is aimed at people with whom the haters are not even acquainted but at strangers, at whole groups of people, I feel compelled to write about the issue, as I feel compelled to write about many issues. Of course, I am a mystery-thriller author, and so I craft mystery-thrillers, which are for me puzzles where I first figure out who was killed and by whom, and then I craft the maze of red herrings and misdirections that will make reading the book fun for readers of my genres. At least that is my hope! My Dora books have as their main character Dora Ellison, who is the product of a violent childhood - a woman with a deep well of rage that is forever seeking an outlet. And she generally finds one - usually someone or a few people in need of her rage - who will benefit from being taught a lesson. My hope is that my readers find some satisfaction in these conflicts. Dora has a strong moral center and a strong sense of justice.  

Dora's sidekick in books two through six is Missy Winters, a librarian who is of South Asian descent. To say that Missy is the brains and Dora the brawn would be simplistic. Dora is a gifted, natural martial arts savant, but she is also smart and has a great nose for solving crimes. Missy is more book smart. When anyone marvels that she has deduced some aspect of a crime, she is quick to point out, "Hey, I'm a librarian!" I, too, am a librarian, though I do not work at a library. My master's degree is in library and information science, so I have a soft spot for librarians. I am also sad to see that librarians and libraries are becoming things of the past, not least because of the current politically driven penchant for banning books, something I am vehemently against. If one does not want one's child reading a book - one can deal with that within the family, not by banning the book.    

My hope is that readers will find the murder of Ray Drucker and the events that follow, along with Dora, Missy and their supporting cast fun and engaging. My hope is that they will read the previous Dora Ellison books and keep an eye out for future mysteries and my other novels!

About the Author

David E. Feldman has written 8 books of his own and ghost-written many others. He has made several films, won 2 film awards and won a playwriting contest in 2022. His first in series Not Today: Dora Ellison Mystery Book 1 was a Best Mystery 2022 Killer Nashville Claymore finalist and was followed by four, soon to be five, more Dora books. His novel The Neighborhood was a 2023 finalist for The Book Excellence Awards.

He plays piano and sings professionally and loves to paint, which he does both for fun and commission. He adores his wife, two sons and their Yorkie. He has an MLS degree in Library & Information Science.

His books include: The Dora Ellison Mystery Series

Not Today, Dora Ellison Mystery Series Book 1    

A Gathering Storm, Dora Ellison Mystery Series Book 2  

A Sickening Storm, Dora Ellison Mystery Books Book 3  

A Biological Storm, Dora Ellison Mystery Series Book 4  

A Special Storm, Dora Ellison Mystery Series Book 5  

Pilgrimage from Darkness Nuremberg to Jerusalem  

Bad Blood, a Long Island Mystery  

Born of War: Based on a Story of American Chinese Friendship    

How to Be Happy in Your Marriage    

The Neighborhood

His work can be found at

He works extensively as a ghostwriter, via his ghostwriting website at His film, Everyone Deserves a Decent Life (directed, produced) won the Alfred Fortunoff Humanitarian Film Award at the Long Island Film Expo, 2014. His film, Let Me Out! (Written, directed, produced) won Best Psychological Thriller at the 2009 New York International Film Festival. His play, Love Lives On, was a winner of the inaugural Artists in Partnership Inaugural Playwriting Contest and was performed in Sept. – Oct. 2022 in Long Beach, New York.   






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