
Monday, August 14, 2023

10 Things You May Not Know About Author Randy Dockens


See the excitement behind the scenes of how Lucifer became the Adversary and the part he has played in the affairs of man since the creation of Adam and Eve, including the creation of the Nephilim causing the implementation of the worldwide flood, his influence on the construction of the Tower of Babel, his involvement in the curse of king Jehoiachin, and even how he interferes in modern times in our day-to-day activities...

Title: The Adversary Chronicles
Author: Randy C. Dockens
Publisher: Carpenter’s Son Publishing
Genre: Christian / Scifi

He has many names: Lucifer, Satan, Devil, Adversary. Through the eyes of Mikael, the Captain of the Lord’s hosts, understand the conflict that starts in Heaven and how it extends to Earth. Get a different perspective on earthly events that will help you rediscover the awe of age-old Bible stories and give you a new perspective for you to ponder.

Read how Lucifer prepares for his rise to power on Earth through his deceit causing the fall of Adam and Eve, his engineering the Nephilim which God ended with the worldwide flood, how he attempted to use the Tower of Babel to prepare a superhuman off world using a time dilation field to speed up his work for world dominance, how he utilizes a curse the prophet Jeremiah gives to king Jehoiachin to try and change mankind’s history by preventing the prophecy of the coming Messiah, to how he attempts to hijack new technology today to create a plague that will target those of Jewish descent and thereby change biblical prophecy and attempt to turn it into a mere fairytale.

Title of Series: The Adversary Chronicles

Book 1: Rebellion in the Stones of Fire

Book 2: The Holy Grail of Babylon

Book 3: The Defining Curse   

Book 4: The Luciferian Plague 

Publication Date:

Rebellion in the Stones of Fire: 01-Feb-2022    

The Holy Grail of Babylon: 06-Jul-2022     

The Defining Curse: 04-Oct-2022    

The Luciferian Plague: 01-Feb-2003

# of Pages: 

Rebellion in the Stones of Fire: 320   

The Holy Grail of Babylon: 300   

The Defining Curse: 300    

The Luciferian Plague: 368


Rebellion in the Stones of Fire: Rebellion in the Stones of Fire (The Adversary Chronicles, 1): Dockens, Randy C: 9781952025662: Books

The Holy Grail of Babylon: The Holy Grail of Babylon (The Adversary Chronicles, 2): Dockens, Randy C: 9781952025679: Books

The Defining Curse: The Defining Curse (The Adversary Chronicles, 3): Dockens, Randy C: 9781952025686: Books

The Luciferian Plague: The Luciferian Plague (The Adversary Chronicles, 4): Dockens, Randy C: 9781954437739: Books

Also available for sale at


10 Things You May Not Know About Randy Dockens

  1. His legal name is Randy and not Randall or Randolph. He was told that his dad was going to name him Randall but wanted to call him Randy. His mother told his dad that if he was going to call their son Randy, then his name should be Randy. It seems his mother won that argument.
  2. Randy grew up in the deep South. Yet growing up, he was always told he spoke like a Yankee. Then, after graduate school when he moved to Maryland, he was told he talked like a Southerner. Go figure!
  3. Randy went to pharmacy school and became a pharmacist. Yet, he had always thought about graduate school but after five years of college he felt he had had enough, or so he thought. As he worked for a year as a pharmacist, he wasn’t sure he wanted to do that for the rest of his life. He therefore decided to go to graduate school. He wasn’t sure if he would like to do so but knew he would regret it if he didn’t try. Well, he did like it! He went on to get his doctorate in pharmacokinetics (the study of how the body affects drugs regarding absorption, distribution, metabolism, and elimination, and then how to describe those processes mathematically). After graduate school, he went to work for the Food and Drug Administration for four years and then went to a major pharmaceutical company. He has recently retired from that company.
  4. Growing up, Randy’s family was very involved in church, and he grew up with a good appreciation for scripture. About a decade after working for a pharmaceutical company, he studied for a master’s degree in biblical studies and later obtained a doctorate in biblical prophecy. That then kicked off his writing career. Randy started off with a nonfiction book but later decided he would put his scientific and biblical knowledge into fiction books. While the stories are fiction, they are based upon both scientific and biblical truths. After publishing two fiction series, he published his nonfiction book.
  5. Randy’s son died of cholangiocarcinoma, or cancer of the bile ducts in the liver. His son was only 28 at the time. It was very difficult for Randy to see his son go through such pain and suffering which the cancer caused. It made Randy realize one’s time here on this earth is precious and forced him to consider what happens after death. Randy feels his books help others see the possibilities of what their eternal destiny can hold for them.
  6. All of Randy’s books have a Jewish perspective to them. The reason for that is that the books of the Bible were written by Jewish authors. Therefore, understanding Jewish context in scripture helps one to better understand the richness of scripture and discover truths which may not otherwise be understood.
  7. Randy worked very closely with his cover designer for each of his books. While the designer has done an amazing job in the final outcome of each cover, Randy had specific ideas for how to convey the book topic of each book into that book’s cover. Randy hopes his readers can appreciate the covers of his books as much as he enjoyed helping to create them.
  8. A lot of the blogs on Randy’s website are educational in nature regarding understanding scripture. He feels that understanding the Jewishness of scripture helps one to understand the full meaning of biblical passages.
  9. Randy has always loved science fiction. He grew up watching such TV shows as Star Trek and Space 1999. When he was in college, he was introduced to Frank Herbert’s Dune by one of his professors. Randy was totally mesmerized by that book as well as its sequels. Yet, he feels none of the sequels really compared to the quality and wonderment of Dune itself. He felt Dune was totally revolutionary in how Herbert painted a world that seemed so real even though it was imaginary.
  10. Randy gets ideas for his books from various places. The idea for The Coded Message Trilogy came to him one day while driving home from work. His mind was thinking about the world philosophy and how it seemed to be turning away from Christian values. This caused him to think about what the world would look like if it continued down the road it seemed to be on. This led him to consider the idea of mind manipulation which became incorporated into this series. The idea for Stele Prophecy Pentalogy came to him as he talked to others about what they believed their future held for them according to scripture. He found most had no idea, so he decided to put what the Bible said about end time prophecy into story form for people to better understand those concepts. The idea for Erabon Prophecy Trilogy came from a dinner conversation he had with a friend of his. Their discussions about aliens and the chance of their existence were considered, but their conversation soon led to deeper questions such as the following: What type of deity would aliens worship? Would aliens have the same values as humans? Those questions led him to the conclusion that if God is God of the universe, everyone who exists in the universe would worship the same God humans worship because truth would be universal. Randy’s newest series, The Adversary Chronicles, is an attempt to tell familiar Bible stories in a unique way to cause readers to think more deeply about what these stories convey about God. His nonfiction book Why is a Gentile World Tied to a Jewish Timeline? shows how the Bible is a unique book, has a central theme, and reveals how all are connected.

About the Author

Dr. Randy C. Dockens has a fascination with science and with the Bible, holds Ph.D. degrees in both areas, and is a man not only of faith and science, but also of creativity. He believes that faith and science go hand in hand without being enemies of each other. 

After completing his bachelor’s degree in pharmacy from Auburn University he went on to graduate school at Auburn and completed his first doctorate degree in Pharmaceutics. He began his scientific career as a pharmacokinetic reviewer for the Food and Drug Administration and later joined a leading pharmaceutical company as a pharmacokineticist, which is a scientist who analyzes how the human body affects drugs after they have been administered (i.e., absorbed, distributed, metabolized, and excreted). 

Through the years, he has worked on potential medicines within several disease areas, including cardiovascular, fibrosis, and immunoscience to see and develop new and novel medicines in these therapy areas. He has also had his attention on the academic study of the Bible. He earned a second doctorate in Biblical Prophecy from Louisiana Baptist University after receiving a master’s degree in Jewish Studies from the Internet Bible Institute under the tutelage of Dr. Robert Congdon. 

Randy has recently retired from his pharmaceutical career and is spending even more time on his writing efforts. He has written several books that span dystopian, end-time prophecy, science fiction, and uniquely told Bible stories. All his books, while fun to read, are futuristic, filled with science to give them an authentic feel, have a science fiction feel to them, and allows one to learn some aspect of Biblical truth one may not have thought about before. This is all done in a fast-paced action format that is both entertaining and provides a fun read for its readers. 






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