
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Piggy on Wheels Teaches Kids Compassion

When I read the headlines on Galleycat that a piggy in a wheelchair had inked a 3-book deal with self-help publisher Hay House, I was instantly intrigued. Wouldn’t you be too?
His press release says: Chris P. Bacon, the pig in a wheelchair who quickly became a YouTube sensation in early 2013 with over 1.2 million views, is setting out to teach children about compassion, acceptance, and loving your imperfections. Chris P. Bacon was rescued by his veterinarian Dr. Len Lucero after a young woman reluctantly dropped him off to be euthanized because of a congenital defect that affects his rear legs. Dr. Lucero gave Chris a second chance at life and with two wheels strapped to the rear of his body, he is now a perfectly healthy and happy piggy-on-the-go.

Chris P. with training wheels
This little piggy was born with deformed hind legs, which means he lifts himself up on his front legs. While he is little, this modus operandi will work, but not later when he grows to full weight. His new owner modified his son’s toys to give Chris P. his first set of wheels. As the piggy grows heavier, he’ll graduate to bigger and better wheels. For many animals, life would be over, but for Chris P., life and a new role has just begun. His YouTube videos and his television appearances show him to be a curious, affectionate, independent and very intelligent piglet, with loads of personality and a secret obsession with grapes.

Chris P. says on his Facebook page: My name is Chris P. Bacon. I am a pig in a wheelchair. My veterinarian Dr. Len Lucero decided that I needed to be given a second chance. I went home with Dr. Lucero that day, so that I would have a chance at life as a handicapped pig. I live in Florida and love my new life! Watch me grow and take on new obstacles that life has to offer me. Thanks for sharing it with me!

Chris P. with owner Len Lucero
Owner Len Lucero finds that the pig is garnering fans by the barrow loads, and with his own website, Facebook page, Pinterest and Twitter account, it’s not hard for Chris P. to spread the message: it’s okay to be disabled. Chris P. and Len have a new task in life: putting smiles back onto disabled/handicapped kids’ faces. Chris P. and Len Lucero will be travelling to various centres to help kids. Chris P. will spread the message of love just by being himself!
Teaching kids compassion is a wonderful start in life. From this beginning, kids learn the best qualities that make them better human beings. Kids will learn about perseverance, overcoming obstacles, and tolerance towards others.

Hay House, the world’s largest self-help and motivational publisher has signed a three-book deal with Chris P. Bacon, his dad Dr. Lucero and co-author Kristina Tracy, who has worked on children’s books with Wayne W. Dyer, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Deepak Chopra and more. The first book, geared towards children ages 4-10, will launch in Fall 2013.

Help Chris P. spread the word by visiting his social media sites and following his trail of good deeds. Please share his antics and share the message.

by Fiona Ingram


  1. Oh Fiona, this is so incredible. What a wonderful unlikely hero. We will hop on over to follow Cripy's adventures. Thanks for linking it in to the Kid Lit Blog Hop. Hope to have you back again as a hostess soon, he he. Take care Julie

  2. I follow Chris P. on Facebook and the love between pig and owner is tangible. His Father's Day photos are just wonderful. He sits on the sofa with Len Lucero and watches television. An amazing story and I can't wait for the books. The parents of a disabled young boy drove over 500 miles so their son could meet a pig in a wheelchair, just like him.

  3. I'm going to have to show my young kids this wonderful little pig. They were recently scared by a friend's cat as it had only three legs - one was lost in an accident - so I need them to learn to love and not fear imperfections. Glad I found your review on the Kid Lit Blog Hop.

  4. Chris P. is the perfect teacher! If you watch his YouTube videos you'll see he acts as if only being able to use two legs is quite OK. Two legs and two wheels give you a turbo-charged piggy! Imperfections are part of life and kids need to love 100%.

  5. Well, this is definitely the "feel good" story of the Kid Lit Blog Hop. How wonderful! Thanks so much for sharing this story. :)
