
Saturday, February 9, 2013

Book Review: Stranger Moon

Stranger Moon by Heather Zydek
Moths, mystery, and growing up are the focus of Stranger Moon. Twelve-year-old Gaia (and she hates her name!) is not your typical tweenager. Anyone who can recite screeds of information about moths, and in particular the elusive Luna moth, just has to be labeled ‘nerd.’ Gaia finds refuge in her love of unusual insects and her little gang of equally geeky friends. Her dad is glued to his computer, her mom died when she was little, and she is bullied by the ghastly duo, ‘The Emmas,’ at school. Could life get any worse? The night she and her friends go on a moth hunt, they find a bug-eating, scary wild woman living in the woods, in an abandoned ice cream van. They spend the summer spying on her, as they investigate her history, as well as defending their tree house from invasion by the Emmas. They discover the identity of the crazy lady, and must decide if they should use the information to exact revenge on Gaia’s worst enemy.
Female Luna moth
This book is so much more than a story about kids growing up. Gaia and her friends display typical tweenager idiosyncrasies as the author taps right into what makes a tween tick. Each character is well drawn and believable. As the story unfolds, the gang find themselves tested on several levels. They need to learn friendship, compassion, and basic kindness: to boring Leonard with his yo-yo and his crippled hand, and to the mad woman herself. The ultimate challenge comes with how they deal with the vital information about the woman’s identity. Gaia’s strained relationship with her emotionally distant father also changes, bringing some interesting revelations. I loved the tone of thinking that author Heather Zydeck instils in Gaia’s inner narrative. As in most tween lives, everything is Dramatic and Tragic, with some Big Words to enhance the seriousness of it all. I laughed aloud at various points.

Male Luna moth
The fragile and sometimes uncertain life cycle of the Luna moth resembles the rite-of-passage that Gaia and some of the other characters experience. The completion of the cycle offers redemption, understanding, and acceptance as they move onto a happier level. There are moments of great sensitivity as Gaia tries to understand life and people, and wrestles with conflicting emotions and ideas. A sensitive and humorous look at the angst and conflicts of tweenagers and their issues. The author impressed me with her perception and insight. I found the resolution and tying up of loose threads a little rushed at the end. However, a great book for tweens, and for parents to learn how tweens think. Highly recommended.

First reviewed by Fiona Ingram for Readers' Favorite
Images from Wikipedia (see link)
by Fiona Ingram


  1. Love the analogy of the life of the moth paralleling Gaia's own rites of passage. And aren't those Emmas usually evil? Great post! I found you via the HOP, and I'm your newest follower. I invite you to swing by and check me out at

  2. Thanks for your comment. I really enjoyed the book and found different layers that will resonate with different ages. I will certainly visit your site.

  3. It sounds like a great book and I am so interested in books that really deal with compassion and basic kindness. I want to impart these values very early to my little G,
    so thanks for linking it into the Kidlitbog hop. I also found the Readers Favourite award contest on your blog so thanks for that great information, cheers Julie Grasso

  4. Glad you found useful and inspiring material in the review.

  5. Hi! I found you via the Kidlit blog hop. Thank you for this fantastic book review. I am always excited to find another book to add out our "to read" list and this sounds like a nice fit for our family.

  6. Thank you for commenting. I am sure you and your family will love this book. As a mom, you'll certainly laugh in places.

  7. Stopping by as part of the Kid Lit Blog Hop. The moths are so beautiful! :)

  8. I am sure my daughter would love this book as this touches upon the exact things she deals with currently in her life. I also love the cover - somehow, it really moved me. Thanks for sharing this review in the Kid Lit Blog Hop!

  9. I am sure she will love it! I also felt the same way about the cover - haunting, fragile and evocative.
