
Thursday, September 20, 2012

Free Kindle E-book: Behind the Scenes of The King’s Ransom

I first became interested in Cheryl Carpinello’s work when I began research on my own Arthurian-themed adventure novel for middle graders, The Search for the Stone of Excalibur. At the time, I read and reviewed the delightful Guinevere: On the Eve of a Legend. Read my review here. Cheryl’s book was a Finalist Pre-Teen Literature: Dan Poynter's 2011 Global Ebook Awards.

Cheryl says this about her fascination with all things Arthurian: “Although a retired teacher, I still have a passion for working with kids. I regularly conduct Medieval Writing Workshops for local elementary/middle schools and the Colorado Girl Scouts. It seems I'm not the only one who loves Medieval Times and the King Arthur Legend. The kids thoroughly enjoy writing their own medieval stories complete with dragons, wizards, unicorns, and knights!”

Next came The King’s Ransom (Book I of The Young Knights of the Round Table), a tween adventure novella. At Pembroke Castle in medieval Wales,11-year-old Prince Gavin, 13-year-old orphan Philip, and 15-year-old blacksmith's apprentice Bryan, brought together in friendship by the one they call The Wild Man, embark upon a quest to save The Wild Man’s life when he is accused of murder and robbery. If they have any hope of succeeding, the three will have to confront their fears and insecurities, and one of them will have to disclose the biggest secret of all. But it is the arrival of King Arthur and what he reveals that surprises characters and readers.

But wait, there’s more!

Hot on the heels of the book came a fascinating behind-the-scenes in Behind the Scenes of The King’s Ransom.

Have you ever wondered what writers do in addition to writing their books?

Behind the Scenes of The King’s Ransom lets readers meet the characters in The King’s Ransom (Young Knights of the Round Table), go on a virtual tour of the actual Welsh settings and sample Welsh food and drink, discover the secrets of the author, and other goodies. Read excerpts from The King's Ransom and Guinevere: On the Eve of Legend.

Sounds fascinating!

GET YOUR FREE COPY ON 20 AND 21 September!

(Originally priced at $3.50)

Take a look at Chery and her work here!

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