
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Beyond Adversity: Author Arlene Crenshaw

For many authors, writing is a means of expelling the demons, getting rid of burdens and baggage, healing the pain of past hurts, and sharing a story with many others who may have experienced similar events in their lives. Author Arlene Crenshaw has used her experiences to heal and change her life. I'll let her tell you in her own words...
Hello everyone, my name is Arlene R. Crenshaw, the author of Twelve Roses for Uretta. I wrote my book because I felt it was a story that needed to be told for my sake of healing within. I also hope that by putting this story out there it will raise awareness to many, many people that suffer with domestic violence as well as child abuse. My story is a true story of my life growing up—watching the abuse of my mother and also the abuse I suffered from my best friend’s brother, being molested over and over at age 14, which led to me being a mother at age 15.

Most of my life I have struggled with anxiety, depression and I struggled even more after the untimely death of my mother. After 47 years of struggling to finally get my life under control, I decided to write everything down. The first thing I did was stop crying behind closed doors. Everyone who ever knew me always thought I was a happy person, full of joy. The truth was I wasn’t. I was miserable with my life and the only thing after the death on my mother that kept me going was my son; he was all I had.

So after 47 years of crying, I decided to stop and take charge of my life. I had been through a lot of challenges that I didn’t at first realize I had overcame. When I began writing, I started emptying out all the old baggage I was carrying within and I started noticing I felt better and stronger. I cried and cried while writing and sometimes I found myself writing so much that hours went by, but it felt good right to the soul. The more I wrote, the more I sensed a feeling of healing coming over me.

I realized I had been carrying a lot of stuff and for an awful long time. I prayed and prayed to God to help me…and he did. I got it all out and I ended up writing a book and it’s all true. My own story healed me within. I no long suffer from anxiety or depression. I have not taken any medication going on 2 years now. I live my life beyond adversity. I have also written a second novel due out this month called Hidden Closet’s Book of Short Stories. It is not a true story but it’s all about secrets that people have that they want to keep hidden for fear of being exposed to their real truths about themselves.

Life is wonderful for me now I love life and I even write every day on Facebook and Blogger. I call it “My quote of the day,” which I write a quote to try to inspire people and uplift their spirits, I do this daily. Also below is a poem called Living Beyond Adversity. To all stay blessed and soar high as eagles!!!

Living Beyond Adversity

Adversity means different things to different people and it depends on what their experience was and the attitude they have about it.

In the beginning when life was out of control, it meant something like this:

It shows up uninvited.

It took control.

It changed your life in ways you didn't want.

It took what you wanted away from you.

It forced you into situations you didn’t want to be in.

It stopped you from doing what you wanted to do.

It's was ruthless and cruel.

It's was unfair.

After working through its challenges, life became something like this.

It helped you to become a better person.

It made you achieve more than you ever thought you could.

It made your relationships deeper and more meaningful.

It showed you what was most important in life.

It helped you become more compassionate and understanding.

It made you appreciate life much more.

It leads to the discovery of true joy, in life.

It gave you wisdom and now you soar beyond the clouds (awesome feeling within).

And know you live your life beyond adversity; because now you’re in the best place you can be for yourself emotionally… now you’re living beyond adversity.

By Arlene R. Crenshaw

Thanks for sharing these thoughts and feelings with us. For more information, visit Arlene's website.


  1. Thank you Fiona for publishing my post my hopes are that by people reading my story it can help them to release and get out of situation that may burden them also. If it touches one life or more then I feel It was worth me putting my life out there. Thank you again Fiona and God Bless!!!

  2. Thank you fiona for posting my post on your blogg today, I appreciate it so much. My hope is to be able to touch people even if it's only one to find their own way of personnal healing and rid themselves of the burden of carrying all that pain that hinder them within their lives and live free of pain and suffering and to live beyond their adversities for the rest of their lives. Thank you again Fiona and God Bless!!!
