
Thursday, May 20, 2010

To Blog or Not To Blog

To Blog or Not To Blog

Having just mastered the art of creating blog posts (actually creating the blog itself is a blog post all on its own) I was intrigued to read Jolene James' post about blogging. Why do we blog? Does it increase book sales? Are we hoping to rack up 2 million plus followers like Ashton Kucher's Twitter site (or is it Demi who has so many?)? I must confess that having slavishly followed all the marketing gurus' commands about getting one's profile out into cyber-space, blogging was my final frontier. I finally took the plunge on January 1 on 2010 (ah, the post I promised about erasing half my computer contents....) and I can't say if I have sold any more books from it. What to write is also a question that has given cannon fodder to many a far more seasoned blogger than I am. One is reluctant to say anything too personal/controversial/critical because, as you know, cyberspace is cruel and limitless and never forgets. Somewhere, out there is a silly comment you made after a night out, or a nasty remark after reading yet another glowing review of a hated rival's book. Oh, isn't it just awful trying to get to the top? Particularly when the statistics on anyone actually reading your solitary little island of a blog diminish as the numbers of blogs/posts climb. Please read Jolene James' forthright and honest appraisal of just why we are led to blog.

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