
Saturday, April 10, 2010

Facts Can be Fun!

I am privileged right now to serve as both a guest and a host on the Virtual Book Tour and my recent guest post on Authors Promoting Authors was about how to make non-fiction details fun and relevant in children's fiction. The tendency of many writers who need to incorporate facts into fiction for kids is to overload the page with details that - while interesting - may not be all that relevant to the story, or may bog the young readers down in 'stuff' that gets in the way of the story. Please read my hints on how to weave those facts seamlessly into your great kids' story. My challenge came when writing my adventure book set in Egypt. Sometimes I chewed my nails trying to decide ... in? ... or out? ... what to ditch and what to keep. I hit upon a method that worked well for my story and my young heroes' needs.

For some extra tips visit the Scrub-a-Dub-Tub blog for some excellent posts on making facts fascinating in non-fiction books for kids.

1 comment:

  1. I have always wanted to delve deeper into fiction, but have stuck to my comfort zone (non-fiction) on the most part. The interview is intriguing; I could see how it would be difficult to stay away from story-lines or characters that are repetitively seen in the industry.
    Lillian -
